Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Crossfit: difference between doing it and being taught to do it

There is a a huge different between doing crossfit and being taught to do crossfit. I hear many people speculating about how crossfit is dangerous and not good for the body. what they seem to not realize due to the lack of knowledge about crossfit is that all workouts can be scaled down to fit anyone's needs. the only way it becomes unsafe or bad for the body is if they haven't been trained specifically in crossfit. It would be like having an average citizen become a nascar driver without having specific training in race car driving.That would cause unsafe driving and risk for injury, just like a untrained cross-fitter. The key to crossfit is having good trainers with knowledge and experience to train you.I find it hard to believe that crossfit is so bad for you when most firefighters, policeman, and armed service members do it. These jobs demand these people to be in excellent shape because their job depends on it. These types of jobs are to protect people, so it wouldn't make much sense to have them doing something bad for there bodies or unsafe. Until you have actually been taught the foundational movements of crossfit by a certified trainer and have been trained at a crossfit gym you should probably keep your idiotic thoughts to yourself.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Matt hits the 240 for the 1st time!

Lightweight baaaaaaby!!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

B Lee 240lb stone to 50" platform

2nd rep of the day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blee Push Jerk

240 stone on 60 inch platform

Crossfit's - John Welborn at the Mt. Rainiers Strongest Man

Old School Pic Sniper Crew

Surround yourself with people that want to push you to become better!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Video of the Week

Dario Slowik is an Olympic Discus thrower, Highland Games & Strongman athlete from Canada eh!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Old videos from CWU Push/Pull March 2009

Sniper w/ 530 lbs

B Lee w/ 575 lbs

Crossfit Certification Level 1 Portland, Oregon

The certification was a blast!!! Learned a lot and got my butt kicked in a couple workouts!! Overall it was awesome. Level 1 Certified !

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Afternoon Training Session

10 flips (~500+lb tire), 10 hang cleans (145lb), barrel walk (filled a bit under 1/3 with water)

8 flips down the street, 16 flips up the driveway (~500+lb tire)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Strongman/Crossfit Saturday

Sniper Performance Stones!!!! Thanks to BLEE Crafty Skills!

"Grace" 30 Clean and Jerks For time.

Sniper 2:14

175lb Reps Stone Training

Sniper 240lb Stone for 2 reps

BLEE One arm 95lb 30 Rep Snatch

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Strongman Saturday B-Town Crossfit

Fat Axle Bar Deadlift

Sniper PR 500 LB Deadlift

Power Grip

BLee One Arm Deadlift 300LB's

Tire Machine

Sniper 50 reps of the 515LB Tire in 4:05 secs

Strongman Stones Now available at B-Town Crossfit
Our first time making the stones 240 lb and 120lb
We will have training videos on the stones soon!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tre Day

Tre Bills first ever axle press. Check out his Paul Anderson style approach.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mt .Rainier's Strongest Man 2009

Sniper performance crew now has another contest under their belts!!! Jer "Irongut" Bulyar came through with a sweet performance, 1st place in the arm over arm truck pull. (2009 Toyota Tundra Truck). Sniper came through with two first places in the arm over arm truck pull and the log/sandbag deadlift. He ended up getting 3rd Place overall. Both had PR's on the stone loading event hitting a 280lb stone!!! BLEE was not able to compete due to an injury from the Washington's Strongest Apple (2nd Place), but is recovering quickly. He will possibly be making a trip down to the swamp lands (Louisiana) to compete in Strongman Nationals!! We will be posting some footage as soon as TREBILLS Productions edits it. I want to thanks everyone who came out to support us. We really appreciate it!!!! A big thanks to everyone.
MW Men
1 - Tyler Scott 45
2 - Victor Beebe 40
3 - Reilly Kelleher 38
4 - Joseph Maccarone 29
5 - Len Nuanez 29
6 - Aaron Engstrom24
7 - James Eide 17
8 - Jay Nielson 13

HW Men
1 - Zack Nims 48
2 - Jason Weller 42
3 - Matthew White 38
4 - Quentin Brock 37
5 - Jeremy Bulyar 29

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Check this out !!!!!!

Please go to this site!!!

Fellow CWU Strongman Woman Division Champion 2009, had a tragic accident on a boat July 4.

Read her story! Do what you can to help!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

T-Shirts (Girls)

T-Shirts (Guys)

Sorry for the delays

I know it has been a while since anything has been posted, and we apologize for that, but Sniper has been busy with life's daily stressors and lots of work, and has not had the time. So I'm here to say that as soon as he is back (hopefully at the end of the week), new videos will be posted, including the remaining strongman competition footage, as well as Sniper flipping the 515lb tire 50 times in under four and half minutes (CRAZY!). Also, new things with SniperPerformance are our T-Shirts. I came up with the design logo, Sniper approved, and a good friend of mine had it drawn up. Blue is for the guys, pink for girls. Hope you like them. Well for now keep checking in, we'll be back with sample workouts and other good stuff soon. Thanks for hitting us up. - J Beezy

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sniper's Performance Workout

200 meter Row
275lb Deadlift 10 reps
155lb Clean and Press 6 reps
24in Box Jumps 10 reps
Run 200 yards
3 Rounds for time

This workout is definitely the truth. Try it and let me know what you think.

Monday, May 25, 2009

CWU Strongman Video Clips

Sniper Stone Load 2nd Place

Crazy K Stone Load

Blee Stone Load

JBeezy Stone Load

Sniper Farmers Walk 200lb each hand 1st place

Blee Farmers walk 175lb each hand 1st place

JBeezy Farmers walk 175lb each hand 2nd Place

Sunday, May 24, 2009

CWU Strongman Competition 2009 Pics

Heres some photos from the competition

Friday, May 15, 2009

Event Training May 14th

We focused our training session on strongman events. We warmed up on the 515lb tire doing 5 sets of 5 reps then taking a quick water break and repeating it one more time. We also adding a little challenge by hitting the tire on a incline which proved to increase the difficulty. Then we headed back into the gym and hit the Log for one rep Max's. After completing that we did two sets of 5 reps around 180lb. Then our focus was on the farmer walk which is a true test of grip strength. So we warmed up with about 105lb each hand, then hit 200lb each hand and lastly tried to push the limit by hitting 245lb which was a great challenge. All together it was a great training session and thanks to J-Beezy for setting the bar by having us really push it on the tire.

Farmers Walk

245lb each hand

Log Press 1 Rep Max

Sniper 235lb

J-Beezy 190lb

B-Lee 215lb

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Becoming a Succesful Unit

One thing that I have figured out through many years of training is that you need to surround yourself around positive training partners. I have trained with both Blee and J Beezy now for about 5 years. During those years we have influenced each other through hard work outs (5am during college haha Blee loved those days), sharing knowledge and helping each other push ourselves to the limit. One thing I know is that when we step foot in the gym, we cut all the everyday bullshit aside and try to better each other. If you want to succeed surround yourself with training partners that train for function, form, consistency, and that bring the utmost intensity to the table every training session. Become a unit that can rely on each other and be just as excited for your partners PR as they would be for you!!! Shout out to my Eburg training partner Kellen who always brings tremendous intensity to the table!!!!! Thanks to all who have influenced me through my journey to get stronger while staying functional.

Banded Pull Ups

J Beezy


Rolling Thunder Grip Training



J Beezy

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Life is crazy sometimes. You get people that bitch and moan on a daily basis instead of appreciating life. Don't get me wrong everyone needs to vent and release some negative stuff. I would be the first to say that I release my negative things. But appreciate the simple fact that you are capable of lifting a weight, putting your shoes on , feeding yourself etc. Look at life as a gift, be thankful for all the ups and downs. Without the ups and downs you wouldn't be who you are today. So instead of talking to your friend about how shitty life is going, do yourself a favor and find something positive to say or do about your day. If that means running an extra mile, getting one more rep on a lift, motivating a friend to hit a personal best, whatever it is just do it. Ask yourself: Are you going to stay where your at today or find a way to better yourself. Its all up to you!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gym Stone Lifts

Simulating stone lifting

515 Lb Tire Reps

Speed Flips Vol 1

Friday, May 1, 2009

405 deadlifts for reps

J-Beezy for 1 rep

B-Lee for 8 rep

Sniper for 10 rep

315lb deadlift for crazy reps

J-Beezy for 14 reps

B-Lee for 25 reps

Sniper for 25 reps

Writing Checks and Cashing Them

Today was the day to set some PR'S (personal records). Or what I like to call writing checks and cashing them. what I mean by that is I told my fellow lifting partners (B-LEE, J-BEEZY) what my goals were for today and if I achieve them, then I have cashed them. Let me tell you, we all wrote checks and cashed them today!!!!! Been looking foward to this workout session all week. Went and picked up Brandon from T-Town and heading for B-TOWN. Got to Bremerton Crossfit Gym and had to grab a bite to eat at subway. After that we began warming up on the concept rower. Hit some banded hyperextensions and were ready to go. We all came and conquered the training session today!!!! Our focus today was on the deadlift, stones, 515lb tire and rolling thunder for grip strength. Check out the videos......

Saturday, April 25, 2009

700 lb Tire Flip

Its been about a year since i have hit the tire... getting ready for the contest

One Arm Man 515 lb Tire Flip

Getting Ready For May 21st.

B-Lee 52 in box jump in Eburg

52 inch box jump. Speed squats do pay off right B-Lee

CWU Strongman Competition 2009

Looking forward to the competition on May 21st. Professional Strongman Grant Higa will be there to help with the contest!!! Keep training hard!

Road Trip for the tire.....

Headed to Bremerton to meet up with B-Lee. Then went over the mountains to Ellensburg. We made it after a 3 hour trip. But in the end it was worth it. The 515 lb tire is now here.......