Thursday, December 30, 2010

505lb Sumo Deadlift

505lb Sumo Deadlift

Saturday, December 25, 2010

545lb Rack Pull Bottom pin

Hardly, do rack deadlifting, just wanted to see how it felt.

Friday, December 17, 2010

2010 NAS Nationals Video Clips

Event #1: 600# Yoke Walk & 250# Sandbag Carry

Event #2: 150# Circus DB Clean & Press

Event #3: Car Deadlift for Reps

Event #4: 200# Axle Clean & Press for Reps

Event #5: 230/250# Keg Carry & 500# Sled Drag

Event #6: 500# Farmer's Frame Carry

Event #7: 230/260/300/330/360# Atlas Stones

Final Points/Place: 44 Points/2nd Place

*Very, very pleased with my performance...I couldn't
be more proud of what I accomplished in the 2 days.
I had a few mistakes the 1st day with the dropped sandbag
& just not getting a rep on the circus dumbbell. Things happen
in a competition. I knew going into the 2nd day I had to be
perfect if I wanted to still win. I was down 10 points which is a lot
for the number of competitors we had. I felt more confident in
the events for the final day. I trained my butt off with the axle
clean & press...I wanted to totally dominate & stand out from the
rest of the competitors. I felt my conditioning was top notch & the
best out of all of the competitors & it showed in the keg carry & sled
drag. I even slipped & lost my lead & still pulled away with the victory.
I didn't take too long to recover from the event...I was all ready for the
next one if I had to go that minute. The farmer's was a sprint for the
finish & I knew I had to jet! The atlas stones was last & a nice ending
to a contest, I wanted to get the 300# stone & felt really good about it.
220 & 260 was easy & the 300# stone was an issue. The picks were
hella easy with the tacky but I didn't have a good stance to generate
power from my legs & hips...rookie mistake. I did pick it up 3 times
with no issues. Next year I'm getting the 300,330 & 360# stone at
175 pounds! I had tons of fun, met some cool people & won some
cash...what a great weekend!! Be BeastMode...Be Relentless...see
you next year at Nationals!