Headed to Bremerton to meet up with B-Lee. Then went over the mountains to Ellensburg. We made it after a 3 hour trip. But in the end it was worth it. The 515 lb tire is now here.......
Functional - Being fit or ready for work. The ability to perform a wide variety of physical tasks placed upon the body. Being functional means to be "Ready for Whatever". There should be no limitations to what your body can do.
Relentless - Steady & persistent; never-ceasing. Sustained pace or intensity. Being relentless means to never skip a beat no matter what comes up in life...24/7, day in & day out.
Knowledge - Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study. Consume yourself with as much information & literature as possible. Study & apply as many different styles & methods of training. There is not one style that works, use every method in your training arsenal. Knowledge is Power!
BeastMode - A state of serious intense training or at a high level of effort. In order to attain elite performance, one must turn on their inner BeastMode. You're either born with this or you can achieve this through progressive mental strength training sessions. You will eventually learn how to turn on your inner BeastMode when the demand is needed.
Intensity - Exceptionally great concentration, power or force. The amount of energy or effort involved in your training. High levels of intensity is needed to take your performance to the next level.
Technique - a practical method, skill applied to a particular task. Proficiency in a practical or mechanical skill. This is what separates elite athletes from novice athletes. Being efficient & skillful in our movements will require less energy & will produce more power output, thus increase our work capacity. Be proficient in the powerlifts, Olympic lifts, strongman implements, bodyweight/gymnastic movements, kettlebells & play a wide variety of sports. Learn how to be efficient in running, sprinting, swimming, biking & rowing. Technique will allow you to continue to make gains throughout your training sessions. Never be satisfied with your skill, always find new ways to be better than yesterday.